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You are currently viewing Critical Security Vulnerability in GitHub Enterprise Server: Authentication Bypass Flaw

GitHub recently addressed a critical security flaw in its GitHub Enterprise Server (GHES) platform, which poses a severe risk to organizations using this system for software development.

This vulnerability, identified as CVE-2024-4985, has been assigned the maximum severity rating with a CVSS score of 10.0, indicating its potential to cause extensive harm.

The flaw could allow an attacker to bypass authentication protections entirely, gaining unauthorized access to a GHES instance without any prior authentication.

This kind of breach could lead to significant security incidents, including unauthorized code changes, data theft, and disruption of development workflows.

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Details of the Security Flaw in GitHub Enterprise Server

The CVE-2024-4985 vulnerability specifically impacts GHES instances configured to use SAML single sign-on (SSO) with the optional encrypted assertions feature.

This configuration, while designed to enhance security, becomes a vector for attack if not properly secured. According to GitHub’s advisory, the flaw allows an attacker to forge a SAML response, effectively tricking the system into provisioning access and granting administrative privileges.

With administrative access, attackers can control and manipulate the software development environment, posing serious risks such as the introduction of malicious code, unauthorized data access, and complete system compromise.

The potential for such extensive access underscores the critical nature of this vulnerability.

Affected Versions and Patches

This vulnerability affects all versions of GHES prior to 3.13.0, making a broad range of installations susceptible to this severe flaw. To address this issue, GitHub has released patches in several versions: GHES 3.9.15, GHES 3.10.12, GHES 3.11.10, and GHES 3.12.4.

These updates are essential for mitigating the risk associated with CVE-2024-4985. Organizations running any version of GHES before 3.13.0 are strongly advised to update to the latest versions immediately.

Failing to apply these patches leaves systems exposed to potential exploitation, which could result in significant security breaches and operational disruptions.

Mitigation Measures

It’s important to understand that the encrypted assertions feature in SAML SSO is not enabled by default, which limits the exposure of some GHES instances to this flaw.

Instances that do not use SAML SSO, or that use SAML SSO without encrypted assertions, are not affected by CVE-2024-4985.

However, for those instances that do use this configuration, it is imperative to take immediate action.

Updating to the latest patched versions is a crucial step in securing these environments.

Additionally, administrators should review their SAML SSO configurations to ensure that all security best practices are followed, further reducing the risk of similar vulnerabilities in the future.

Importance of Encrypted Assertions

Encrypted assertions play a significant role in enhancing the security of GHES instances by encrypting the authentication messages exchanged between the SAML identity provider (IdP) and the GHES system.

This encryption ensures that sensitive authentication data is protected during transmission, preventing unauthorized access and interception.

By securing these messages, encrypted assertions help maintain the integrity and confidentiality of the authentication process.

However, as demonstrated by CVE-2024-4985, it is critical to implement and configure these features correctly to avoid inadvertently introducing security vulnerabilities.

Recommendations for Organizations

Organizations utilizing affected versions of GHES must prioritize updating to the latest patched versions to safeguard against this critical vulnerability.

Regularly updating software is a fundamental practice in maintaining a secure environment, as it ensures that known vulnerabilities are addressed and that systems are protected against emerging threats.

Beyond applying patches, organizations should also conduct thorough reviews of their security configurations and practices, particularly concerning authentication mechanisms like SAML SSO.

Implementing robust security measures and staying informed about potential vulnerabilities are essential steps in protecting the integrity of development environments and the software they produce.


The discovery of CVE-2024-4985 in GitHub Enterprise Server serves as a stark reminder of the importance of regular security updates and diligent configuration management.

This critical vulnerability underscores the need for organizations to keep their software up to date and to enable appropriate security features to protect their development infrastructure.

By taking proactive measures to secure their GHES instances, organizations can mitigate the risk of unauthorized access and ensure the safety and integrity of their software development processes.

Regular vigilance and adherence to best security practices are vital in defending against such significant threats.

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Avani Deshpande

Hello to all tech enthusiasts. I'm Avani, and at TheTechDelta, I focus on the critical area of cyber safety & security. Our digital world is filled with both opportunities and risks. My aim is to help you navigate this complex terrain, offering insights from data breaches to identity theft prevention. With TheTechDelta's Cyber Safety section, you can confidently harness technology while ensuring your online world remains secure. Join me, and together, let's foster a safer digital experience.

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