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You are currently viewing The Decline of Single Player First-Person Shooters: What Happened?

Over the past decade, the landscape of first-person shooter (FPS) games has shifted dramatically.

Once dominated by single-player campaigns that captivated gamers, the genre now largely focuses on multiplayer experiences.

This change raises the question – What happened to all the single-player shooters?

To understand this transformation, let’s dive into the evolution of FPS games and explore the reasons behind this trend 🔥

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The Golden Era of Single Player FPS Campaigns

In the early 2000s, single-player campaigns were a staple of the FPS genre. Games like the original Call of Duty, Medal of Honor: Rising Sun, and Deus Ex: Invisible War provided immersive, story-driven experiences.

These titles were complemented by other popular shooters such as Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield & Unreal 2: The Awakening.

During the PS2/Xbox era and the subsequent PS3/Xbox 360 generation, gamers eagerly awaited new shooter campaigns each year. For instance, in 2003, a variety of high-profile single-player FPS games were released, offering a diverse range of experiences.

This period is often regarded as the golden era of single-player FPS campaigns, where the focus was on delivering compelling narratives and engaging gameplay.

A Shift Towards Multiplayer Dominance

Fast forward to 2023, and the number of notable single-player FPS games has dwindled significantly.

While technically there were more FPS titles released in 2023 compared to 2003, many of these were either VR exclusives, co-op games with single-player options, or remakes of older titles. For example, games like Rockay City, Redfall, and Payday 3 are primarily designed for co-op play, even though they offer single-player modes.

Moreover, the number of truly impactful single-player FPS campaigns that capture mainstream attention has decreased.

Titles like Deathloop in 2021 and Dead Island 2 in 2023 are exceptions rather than the rule. The dominance of multiplayer-focused games like Apex Legends, Call of Duty, Valorant, and Overwatch 2 has overshadowed single-player experiences.

The Rise of Indie FPS Games

Interestingly, the decline of single-player FPS campaigns in the triple-A space has coincided with a rise in indie FPS games.

Indie developers, unburdened by the financial constraints and high expectations of major studios, have been able to innovate and experiment within the genre.

Titles like Dusk, Neon White, and Amid Evil have kept the spirit of single-player FPS campaigns alive, offering unique and engaging experiences that harken back to the genre’s roots.

The success of these indie games demonstrates a continued appetite for single-player FPS content, albeit on a smaller scale. These games often emphasize creativity, challenging gameplay, and distinctive art styles, appealing to a dedicated niche of gamers.

Prime Factors Behind the Shift

Several factors have contributed to the decline of single-player FPS campaigns in the mainstream gaming industry:

1. Financial Viability

Developing a high-quality single-player campaign is expensive and time-consuming. Multiplayer games, on the other hand, often generate more revenue through microtransactions, battle passes, and downloadable content (DLC).

This economic reality has driven many publishers to prioritize multiplayer experiences over single-player campaigns.

2. Changing Player Preferences

The rise of live service games and the popularity of competitive multiplayer titles have shifted player preferences.

Many gamers now prefer the social and competitive aspects of multiplayer games, which offer endless replayability and frequent updates.

This shift has led developers to focus more on creating engaging multiplayer experiences.

3. Influence of Successful Multiplayer Games

The success of games like Overwatch, which proved that a shooter could succeed without a single-player campaign, has influenced the industry. Developers and publishers have realized that they can achieve commercial success with multiplayer-only games, reducing the incentive to invest in single-player content.

4. The Impact of VR

Virtual Reality (VR) has also played a role in diverting resources away from traditional single-player FPS campaigns.

Some developers who might have created mid-budget single-player shooters have instead ventured into VR, exploring new gameplay possibilities and reaching a niche audience.

A Glimmer of Hope: Upcoming Single-Player FPS Games

Despite the overall trend, there is still hope for fans of single-player FPS campaigns. Recent announcements and showcases have highlighted several upcoming titles that promise to deliver compelling single-player experiences.

Games like Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, Perfect Dark, Avowed, and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chernobyl indicate that there is still a market for high-quality single-player FPS content.

These upcoming releases suggest that while the focus has shifted, the demand for immersive single-player FPS campaigns has not disappeared entirely. Developers and publishers recognize that there is still a dedicated audience for these types of games, and they are responding with new projects that aim to satisfy this demand 🙌🏻


The decline of single-player FPS campaigns in the triple-A gaming space can be attributed to various factors, including financial considerations, changing player preferences, and the success of multiplayer-focused titles.

However, the rise of indie FPS games and recent announcements of new single-player projects demonstrate that the genre is far from dead.

While the landscape has undoubtedly changed, there remains a passionate community of gamers who appreciate the depth and storytelling that single-player FPS campaigns offer.

As long as there is demand, developers will continue to create and innovate within this beloved genre. The future may look different from the past, but the single-player FPS experience will persist, evolving to meet the needs of a new generation of gamers.

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Christina Grace

Hey there, I'm Christina, your gaming guide at TheTechDelta. With nearly a decade of immersion in the gaming world, I've made it my mission to bring you the latest insights, trends, and insider knowledge from the gaming industry. As a dedicated pro gamer, I've battled through virtual worlds, mastered intricate strategies, and lived the exhilaration of victory. Now, I'm here to share that passion with you. Join me on a journey through the gaming cosmos, where we'll explore the most exciting releases, tech innovations, and game reviews. Let's dive into the world of gaming together and level up your experience.

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